04 Oct

Arrived Terminal 3 in plenty of time to enjoy the Cathay Pacific lounge which we can recommend.

Flight to Hong Kong good and on time. This time in Nathan Road which was teeming with people. Hotel had a pool and outside seating so with a flip of a coin....... reading outside in 30 deg got the edge to competing with the hordes and masses.

Three nights later we flew to Auckland with Air New Zealand. How polite were all the staff and the beds were the best yet. Plane 777-200 for the boffs reading this. Great flight 10 hours 30 mins. No problems at customs..... watched too many Border Controls to be had with that one!

BNZ meeting for one hour to activate bank account then to the car dealers Alison accessed on line. The dealers were 100 yds apart in New Lynn which was amazing. Have paid deposit on Rav 4 automatic ( cos of the hills) and got 2 grand knocked off for cash buyers!!!! Picking it up on Saturday and returning hire car 2 days early. In the mean time we are here.

Today we went to Piha and saw the coast for the first time. There is absolutely nothing here. We were going to have a drink in the Surf club but it closed in July 2018.  Pity cos it is quite a handsome place.

So that is us in Karekare. Going to Mission Bay Sunday for lunch by the water before the big trip North. Signing off for now from the middle of nowhere.

Alison and Lynn

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