13 Apr

August 30 th 2022

It has been four months since the last blog, mainly because we have been home watching sport and doing not a lot to write about. Keep up to date with news from Marshie, Slocs and Patsy. Good to hear from Marshie that Patsy is doing better as treatment continues. Slocs is off to France for seven weeks so will catch up with her later. Only other news is that I am now on the waiting list for a left knee replacement which could be before Christmas. Other than the weekly routine of domestic chores and meeting up with NZ friends, the weeks just pass by with many a jigsaw puzzle completed.

Moeraki boulders.

We have had some stinking rain throughout both the North and South Islands. Contacted Sue Longbottom, who lives near Nelson after hearing of the floods down there. She is fine but the river below has burst, and they could be stuck on high for a few days.

But now we are AWAY for the first time in two Covid years!

Lynn and I flew to Maroochydore, which is the airport north of Brisbane serving the Sunshine Coast. 

We had two days in Maroochydore, meeting up with Judy and Dan, who live south of Brisbane. It was great to catch up with them and Judy brought an England B photo, when she was my captain, at Old Trafford Cricket ground in 1976! Great memories.

The hire car we picked up on arrival could barely fit our stuff in let alone Jill’s huge suitcase, walker and bags galore. 

Therefore, an early start on the Monday to get a larger vehicle. Jill flew from Sydney to Maroochydore in the midafternoon. With time to kill we explored the coast south of the airport to Maloolaba. Busy but a very up market area. Jill’s flight on time and all good to our accommodation, apart from parking on the sheer sloping driveway. It was a daily headache to try to find the best and easiest approach for Jill to get into and out of the car. The house was lovely, clean and roomy. The pool looked inviting but was too cool to get in.

The week had good weather mostly with coffee and some lunches out. 

Not so good was Jill in hospital on her birthday after suffering with a bout of dizziness which meant she was unable to finish her birthday lunch. 

We took her to Noosa hospital, and she was admitted and checked out for 24 hours. Sadly, she missed the sunset boat trip, but she didn’t miss much.

Noosa was very busy even at this time of year, but we had a nice last lunch at The Boathouse on the Noosa River before a rest day and then flying to Sydney.

The trip we planned for 2020 has just finished and we are now back in Sydney.

The week here is planned out with meeting the family, all ten of them at various times starting tonight at the pub opposite to our accommodation........ handy eh? Also meeting up with Sarah and Jo in the city on Thursday. They have sold their lovely house in Arrowtown because Jo has to restart her cancer treatment here in Australia. More later when we hear their news.

Tonight, the Flinders/Blake families gathered at The Toxteth pub. Great to see them, all grown up and taller. Lovely to see Sarah, Ant, Tam and Simon too. A good time was had by all.

Today’s mission was trying to buy a new tv for Jill that brings her into this century. If all goes to plan, delivered tomorrow and set up on Friday for a couple of days practice before we fly home.

Thursday 1st September

Met up with Sarah and Jo for breakfast in the city. Considering Jo has started her treatment she looked amazingly well. She had walked over the bridge while Sarah had biked (via the swimming pool, where she had swum lengths and joined the club for a monthly fee!) Breakfast in the city is obviously what you do cos it was very busy. Caught up on their house buying activities over the last four months and have a clearer picture of the challenges they face going forward.

Jill’s TV was delivered, Thursday, as the salesman promised with installation set for Friday. Lynn and I ate at Jambo Jambo, which is an Ethiopian restaurant.
Friday we were due to meet Simon in the city but Jack, the installation man turned up late morning, so we delayed Simon’s lunch date until the job was done.



We met at The James Landing, opposite Milson’s Point where Sarah and Jo have bought a small pad. 

The bar should have had great views of the bridge and opera house, but the latter was obscured due to the mooring of a huge Cruise Ship parked right next to our table. Lunch was good and we Ubered home. Returned to Jill for wine o’clock and to support her training needs in the use of modern tv’s!

Saturday. We were due to watch Lily in the Netball finals, but it hissed with rain so cancelled. Tonight is the trivia quiz at Simon’s church with the Flinders family.

Serious thinking!!!!

More importantly the All Blacks are playing Argentina for the second test having lost the first!
The nation is in mourning so close to the World Cup!

The trivia quiz was a triumph and we came third. The All Blacks thrashed Argentina so we can go home to the good news. Our Sydney trip finished with lunch at Sarah's........... lovely way to end.

Flight and travel arrangements went well and after a very early 5.45 am get up in Sydney we arrived in Pyes Pa at 7.30 pm.

Molly, our neighbour, had been a regular visitor, checking on the house and taking some lemons and flowers for her own use. Pinot Gris was given as our thank you. 

Yesterday she pitched up with a lemon drizzle cake for us which was/is lovely.

Friday 9th September. Woke to the news of the death of Queen Elizabeth 2 which is a sad day for all. Just one month to the day of four years since Lynn and I moved to New Zealand. There will be a lot of pomp and ceremony over the next two weeks which will hopefully renew a more generous spirit in people as they recognise what duty and service is all about. A fitting time to end this blog, we think.

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