09 Apr

All seemed to be going so well end of 2020 and starting 2021. We had been Covid free for weeks and living a normal life. Everything open, spectators at all events and masks only on public transport. That is probably why I am writing this three months into 2021. No sooner had Jupiter and Saturn been filmed in the middle of a cricket match between NZ and Pakistan as shown below........ the whole world went mad!

It started with Trump's lies, the insurrection of the Capitol, the pandemic out of control in most countries and so it goes on. Perhaps I have been suffering from survivor's guilt because it has been hard listening to the daily tallies of deaths and hospitalizations, especially back home, when we are living like pigs in **** here in NZ.

 Dave and Vrons came for New Year.......then Longbum visited even though the Vets Hockey tournament had to be cancelled because of a Covid outbreak in Auckland. 

Annie and Graham got to see the final races of the America's Cup. You can see by the photo that Auckland folk were not locked down for weeks on end. Once the outbreak was identified, things returned to normal.

The survivors guilt eased when our South Island trip was cancelled because of Auckland's second lockdown the night before we were due to leave. I didn't unpack my bag until the next morning!!!!!!!! The week deteriorated even further when the Men and Womens' T 20 cricket matches were rescheduled to Wellington from Tauranga due to the Auckland situation. That gave us a taste of life during a pandemic........ which was not for long, but sadly affected our plans for travel and sport.

 Unfortunately that week at the Gym, my right knee locked and was excruciatingly painful. So to cut to the chase.... I have been referred to COTS, Community Orthopedic Triage Service and have been assessed by an advanced Physio. She has referred me to an Arthritis Exercise programme and a Clinician for further discussions. The exercise group starts end of April for ten weeks and the wait to see a surgeon is aprox four months. I saw the x rays of my knees which show a lack of space in both medial joints......  example below.

Not sure how specific exercise can improve that but I will give it a go. The Fibrin injections worked for a short while but no long term benefit. We continue to spend our time tackling increasingly tricky jigsaws and completed the Olgas........ which I know we would not have been able to do when we first started.

Jane Read keeps us up to date with the funny videos circulating social media and sent an Easter photo of her and Flo which was nice.

The government is right on top of the Pandemic and yesterday, when 19 people turned up in Managed Isolation testing positive, they cancelled all incoming flights from India. People are tested before they fly, have MIQ places booked for their arrival and are yet are getting the virus on the way to the airport! We only have returning Kiwis returning from other countries but more things will have to be put in place to keep us safe!!!! On the bright note we now have free movement between NZ and Aussie with a Flyer beware notification on a traffic light system in the event of sudden outbreaks in either country.

My birthday cards are still on show as more arrive from afar. We went down to the Wharf for a Thai meal and met Dave and Vrons for lunch. Gorgeous day and a lovely lunch out.

April 29th. Another week passes and the news of the virus around the world is shocking to watch. Let us hope the vaccination programme starts to kick in soon. 

I have seen the physio who is leading the Arthritic exercise sessions and she has made some initial measurements of my current physical state. I have since Googled them and compared my results to other women of my age. The stand sit test in 30 seconds with arms across chest and a 40 metre timed walk both put me at the top end of below average scores eg stand/ sit below average was 11 and below... average was 11-14 and above was 14-17...... I achieved 11 so it's not dire but hopefully strengthening my quads might help open the gap in my joints. That is what the physio has said so watch this space. It all starts next week.

Dave has had his Cataracts done but one eye is not as good as the first one so he is struggling at the moment. 

It has been lovely to hear news from folks in England. It is always nice to get some personal accounts of life as it is,  so thank you for that and for my cards.

We have had some glorious Autumn days, 20-22 deg C and clear skies. My AWA course has started and first exercise class begins next Tuesday. We went to the beach today and did Brunch. It was so lovely to be there mid week with all children back at school and just the retirees and young Mum's out and about. I will leave you with some photos from today as we prepare for winter and the UK prepares for summer and an improved lifestyle to come. We are not going anywhere at the moment as we haven't had the jabs yet and the virus is too rampant. As you view the photos......  you will see it is really not a bad place to be stuck!!!

Much love to all.

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