20 Jul

July 21st. Received a few responses to Blog 21 which is always good to hear so thanks to those who have been in contact with their news. Win called in for a cuppa and to get some info on my knee treatment. She has torn her ligaments in her shoulder and is on the cusp of an operation which will leave her arm less for six weeks!!!!  She wants to avoid this if at all possible.

Jenny C called at night time and caught up with her and her news.... which is always full on.

Jigsaw from op shop! 3 $... what a deal...... A scene from Cornwall!!

25th July. Invited to Dave and Vrons for lunch and meet up with the stranded Brits, Paula and Arthur who are still living in an Air BNB with a return flight date of the 3rd September. However, they are adamant that if the UK is still showing a rise in cases they will stay put in NZ. They are both retired Primary Headteachers. Vrons put on a lovely lunch and we didn't run short of conversation!!!!!! A good time was had by all.

Springish weather continues to dumbfound us. The Magnolia is out without any leaves.... only flowers, as are all Magnolias in the area.

August 6th. Win called in for tea after seeing shoulder specialist at Grace Hospital. better news on that front and major op is on hold for the moment. She had returned from the South Island where her brother lives..... good trip but cold!!!

August 9th. Have had a couple of days with temps of 15 and 16 deg C..... lots of plants flowering so does feel a bit spring like at the moment which is nice. We  chat regularly to Karen in WA, Jill in Sydney plus all our friends in the UK. I feel so sorry for them because there seems no significant drop in cases,  deaths and now with a scorching hot weekend... all flooding to the beaches. Speaking to Marshie tonight so she will have the latest on Boris and opening schools next month. Even we had a shot across the bows this week with all folks encouraged to buy masks in preparation for the second wave and health experts saying it is not if, but when. I think the situation in Victoria has spooked people about how quickly you can go from no cases to it spiraling out of control. We have been so lucky here to have a normal life back again....... fingers crossed it will stay like that. Sadly yesterday the womens' cricket world cup has been put back one year to 2022, not a major surprise but another year of training for some kiwis who are heading for the wrong side of 30.

I think I mentioned in Blog 21 that our trip to Aussie has been cancelled.  We have booked to go on a coach tour to the central North Island in December so hopefully the Christmas Blog will have some good scenic photos.  Click on the link https://www.moatours.co.nz/group-tours/bridge-nowhere-forgotten-worlds  to find out more. This was our last jig saw which took almost a week to complete but good fun. It has certainly kept our brains active during lockdown and beyond.

August 10th. Dave, Vrons (and the UK escapees that have been here for 7 months,) Paula and Arthur came for lunch. Asparagus and three cheese tart followed by Lynn's lemon drizzle cake, take two. Version one made yesterday took a turn for the worst and as Lynn was taking it to the oven, the base fell out of the cake tin and flipped upside down on the kitchen floor! After the clean up Lynn realised she had filled the cake tin while it was upside down so the base was not secure. I helped the clear up and Lynn rested before making version two!!!!! Our guests after lunch, with Lynn in the distance.

Tuesday 11th. Desperately bad news today that Auckland has a new Covid 19 outbreak and four of the confirmed cases travelled to Rotorua and Taupo over the weekend.  Auckland goes to Alert level 3, stay home, stay close. only essential workforce out and about, borders of Auckland in lockdown while the rest of NZ goes to level 2........ all until the 26th August. How disappointing after 102 days of no cases and being in level 1, which was normal apart from travel overseas. More jigsaws ordered!!!!

In response to this latest setback, we are looking into a trip to the South Island in February next year as it looks unlikely that Aussie travel will be open by then. The trip collects you from home and returns you home at the end of two weeks. We have checked on several but this one looks great so have booked for Feb 13th 2021. South Island trip

Monday 17th August. Dave and Vrons picked us up to head out of town (North) for lunch at the UK escapees holiday batch, called The Caddy Shack. It is a beautiful, well appointed cottage, set in stunning scenery of the Kaimai ranges...photo of Caddy Shack  A lovely lunch washed down with a bottle of Rose and Fizz. Paula and Arthur will stay here until their flight home in early September.

August 19th Preparing for Rick and Sue coming tomorrow for lunch after Rick's latest check up. On the menu is home made soups, pate and scones..... sounds lovely!

Just in the nick of time, so we can have lunch on the table, we have finished our jigsaw of Dubrovnik.

Better than being outside today!

Rick and Sue came for lunch. 

22nd August. Sent bouquet to Hotel in Whitstable for Steve and Marshie's second wedding anniversary.  Cloth reusable masks arrived so washed and ready to go if needed.

This is our front garden in middle of winter. All plants in flower in the equivalent month of January in the UK.

We have visited our travel agents and got our credits for our Australian trip. Interestingly, when asking about the security of the travel agents business, our agent said the owner was doing everything in her power to keep going. So much so, that 80% of the House of Travel workforce had been contracted out to the Health Ministry and the contact tracing teams as NZ beef up testing to get on top of this virus. Their ICT and interpersonal skills crucial in that line of work. We wondered where the extra workforce came from.

29th August. We should be flying to Queensland today but sadly Covid 19 has put paid to that. Click to see  Noosa Heads accommodation. Instead we are meeting up at Dave and Vrons for the last hooray with Paula and Arthur before their flight back to the UK. It was a bring a plate meal so the variety was gorgeous and enjoyed by all. We have really enjoyed meeting up with them and have an open invite to their place when we travel home in the future for a holiday.

30th August. Received an e mail from Jo Neep inviting us to Sarah Pearson's birthday at the end of October. After a brief discussion...... travel investigations began and two hours later we had got accommodation near to Jo and Sarah's house in Arrowtown in the South Island for a long weekend....... flights from Tauranga to Queenstown and car hire for five days. That is three trips booked now in the next five months....... so much to look forward to in this Covid riddled year of disappointment!!!! Hopefully it  will mean the blogs will feature great photos of NZ for you all to enjoy.

September has arrived and with it a couple of  + degrees in temperature. As folks in the UK return to work after 6 months many are expressing concern about how face to face teaching is going to work. On a day where Auckland dropped to Alert level 2, we had single figure infection cases while the UK had their highest number of cases since June 14th...... over 1500 in a day! I do worry about all our teacher friends who are having to adapt to all the changes and keep themselves and their families safe and well. I just can't see how they will ever get on top of this with the numbers staying as they are. Heard from Sue saying Rick's examination has come back all clear so that was a relief. It has been a ten day wait for results which I think is way too long for them. 

3rd September. Followed Paula and Arthur's flight back to the UK via Kuala Lumpa and Dubai. Long stop over in Dubai making the trip 30 hours!!!!! All flights on time so hopefully all went well.

Saturday 5th September. In the absence of sport with spectators the best we can do today is see what seems like the trial for the All Blacks, North v South. The provincial games have been excellent so we are hoping for a cracker tonight.

The boys did not disappoint! Another close game won in the 83rd minute with a cross field kick caught and touched down.....38 to 35 in favour of the South. Brilliant rugby and we are getting to know some of the players even if we cannot pronounce most of their names!!!!

Caught up with Eileen and Dave Rees tonight and news that Alun, Cat and Finley are moving to Dublin next weekend for 6 months. They are hoping to be able to visit when Covid 19 calms down. Flo is currently walking part of the Coast to Coast with Terry and still without the use of both arms so goodness knows how that is going. Marshie has had a Covid test as her neice's partner has been diagnosed with it! It came back negative.

As I bring this latest Blog to a close, we  are really looking forward to travelling in our own backyard and bringing you all familiar and not so familiar pictures to enjoy. This is Queenstown.......... which is our first trip next month leaving on the 23rd and returning on the 27th October.

Until then we will leave you with our usual good wishes for a healthy, safe life in these difficult and demanding times.

Alison and Lynn

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