02 Apr

April showers have definitely started. However they seem to be punctuated with clear blue sky days so nothing to complain about. Into our third week at the Gym and benefits are starting to pay off. Knees not quite so stiff and sore so hoping the combo of treatments I am administering is beginning to work. Just started with some expensive tablets called JOINT FUEL which came from England. They are due to kick in after a week and I am on day 5 so I will keep you posted. 

Watched the first episode of Line of Duty yesterday afternoon with my new Vpn and chrome cast to our 55  inch tv. OMG spent at least half of it behind the sofa!!!!!! I love the characters and just to get us in the mood watched the last episode of Series 4 on Sunday.

April 4th. Just had lovely day out driving down to Whakatane and Ohope to have lunch with Kath and then visit Lynn's old haunts in Whakatane and Edgecombe. It was great to catch up with Kath and hear all her news. We did try to visit Lynn's old resting places but she couldn't remember the number of the house in two roads nor recognise it with a slow drive by. However, we did find Edgecombe College and the house she lived in in Edgecombe.

White island was puffing too.

Glorious day out. 

Monday 8th April. In response to our contact over the weekend, Mac our Landlord is due about ten o clock this morning. We have had a number of wasps flying around the eaves above the dining area so after some research I found them to be Asian Paper wasps. Mac arrived with step ladder and spray and found the nest in the eaves. He sprayed a whole can and they were quite upset but haven't seen any flying today. Their nests are quite small so good to catch this one early.

Not the actual one but an example. They eat live insects and may help to control some garden pests. Paper wasps are responsible for reducing Monarch butterfly populations in Nelson as they feed on Monarch caterpillars.  The best way to get rid of the paper wasp nests is to douse them in fly spray in the evening, when the paper wasps are less active and less likely to sting. Well Mac couldn't wait til evening and zapped them before their breakfast!!!!!

Clocks went back on Saturday evening so we are now 11 hours time difference with the UK until October. All garden furniture is safely packed away for the start of winter so we feel prepared for colder weather to come over the next few months. It has been lovely though having a year of summer with our trip to Sydney Jan 2018 then summer in the UK from April to October and then Spring and summer here until now. Just watched episode 2 of Line of Duty and spent less time behind the sofa!!!!  Happy days.

Went to Auckland on Sunday to see Tim Minchin in concert. We booked it last July as soon as we knew we were moving to NZ so it was great to head for the Big City. Had a fab Italian meal before the concert , then to see such a talented man entertain a very eclectic audience with his music and  strong feelings about our world. We loved it!!!!.

Here is an example of his musicality! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dBz2zoCDUD8 . It is a you tube video that lasts under two minutes, if you skip the advert at the beginning. To return to the Blog press the back button.

Caught up with the Masters Golf when we got home on Monday plus Episode Three of Line of Duty. Didn't spend any time behind the sofa for this one ......... maybe growing up at last!!! As for Tiger...... unbelievable composure at the end! Huge congratulations for the recovery he has made from such a low point in his life.

19th April. Dave and Vrons came for afternoon tea armed with a card and a bottle of Fizz for my birthday on Easter Monday. As we always go out of the house by car, it is only when we have visitors that we see how lovely the front of our house is.

Dave and Vrons are going to come out with us for lunch on Tuesday 23rd at Latitude 37 where we went with Eileen and Dave. Reached my self set target at the Gym today cycling 4k in 15 minutes with a Michael Mosely burst for the last minute!!! One month in and feeling much better. Knee pain is better with the new pills and stronger quads.

Birthday came and went very nicely. Phone calls with Marshy, Barbs  and Flo which was great to catch up on. Lunch out was good, both food and company. Dave , Lynn and Vrons pictured here.

Anzac day April 25th. Mac, our landlord, came yesterday armed with fly spray and a stick. Not convinced of his methods to sort out our Asian paper wasp issue in the eaves of the roof.

Still it was good of him to come over as he had only got back from Auckland earlier that morning.

Have also caught up with Sally Murphy selling her house, Lynette tending to her allotment and  Sue and David  on a bus in Bristol! They are planning a massive trip for 2020 which includes coming to see us!!!!! No dates yet but watch this space.

May 1st. The gym seems to have aggravated Lynn's hip so Googled a Physio in Greerton and Lynn has been this afternoon. You cannot write this stuff. She saw Maddy who went to Invicta Grammar School, Maidstone but her Mum went to Highworth!!!!! The conversation started when she recognised Lynn's English accent and asked her where she was from." Kent", said Lynn and the rest is history. Her Mum and Dad lived in Ashford and came to NZ when Maddy finished in Year 11. She then studied in Auckland and then when qualified moved to Greerton Physio practice. She can't wait to get home and tell her Mum, who went to Highworth in 1979. Lynn started teaching there in 1984 so it is possible she was in the sixth form when Lynn started. Honestly....... you could not make this stuff up!!!

Mandarin tree in garden changing colour! 

Sue and Rick came for lunch today..... a first time visitor to Number 15. They are up here for Rick's post operative radiotherapy after having a brain tumour removed. The treatment is daily for four days and then home for the weekend. He looked good and his prompt action with his doctor has meant that he was diagnosed and then operated on within a week. We will try to meet up with them regularly over the next six weeks.

Friday May 3rd. Busy Friday. Gym for early visit then finally playing golf at our local Championship course at Tauranga Golf Club. Booked for nine holes, as it is quite long, plus a buggy. Beautiful day and not too shabby golf. Lynn 15 Stableford points and me 16 after not playing for a couple of weeks. Great course to play.

Very established trees....... front nine very old and beautifully kept. Returning to Mount Maunganui on Monday for another round. Gradually forming a plan!!!!! No rush as we are going to Sydney on June 1st for three weeks.

Lynn went back to see Maddy the physio who remembered Lynn said about playing golf at Taupo. She then went on to tell Lynn about her Auntie who was a Lady...... Lynn said President?....Captain.... oh yes said Maddy...... she was Lady Captain..... at Littlestone and her name is Sheila Waddell!!!!!! Really!!!!

Catching up with folks over the Bank Holiday weekend. Barbs sent  photos of the Sports Hall opening at Highworth. Great that so many ex staff made the effort to attend.

Lovely picture of Barbs and Lesley....... I told you Barbs that it would make the blog!!!!!

Monday 6th. Golf at Mount Maunganui which was good fun. Lovely clear blue sky day and less crowded than our previous visit. Inquired about membership as they have just won best Golf Club in New Zealand. We are not surprised as everyone has been lovely and friendly. We won't do anything until we get back from Sydney at the end of June.

Wednesday 8th May. Dave and Vrons came over ready for our trip to Peter and Sue Barker who live about an hour north of here. Peter taught at Taumarunui with Dave and Lynn way back in 1973. They live at Waihou. We arrived to much hugging and laughter, as it is about 40 years since they have seen each other!!!! As the day progressed and the wine flowed I heard more stories of their lives together when they first arrived to teach in the middle of King Country. Sue, Peter's wife, had just had a birthday. Vrons, who is ace on birth dates and knows amazing birthday facts asked her when it was and she said 22nd April. The year 1952!!!!! So we are birthday sisters!!!!! Amazing. More stories of the trip Dave and Vrons and Peter did at the end of their 3 year contract, returning to England overland taking about five months. Great hilarity when they reminisced about Peter booking them a hotel in India that was actually a brothel!!!! A great time was had by all and we all agreed it would not be as long before we all met up again!

Win phoned this morning as she has just returned from a trip to the South Island so we will meet up with her a week today and pick her brains on South Island Must Do's after our Taupo trip next week.

Views from the top of our road.

Looking towards Welcome Bay where Dave and Vrons live. Some deciduous trees are changing colour leaving the evergreens for winter.

Kai Mai ranges in the distance.

Picked first Mandarin off the tree yesterday....... Lynn's bedroom in background. Hibiscus still going strong May 10th! Grapes finished and dying off.

Been a real treat to see the European Football matches. Liverpool, Spurs and now Chelsea and Arsenal!!!!!!! No wonder Man U cannot get into the top four of the Premier League. Saw last episode of Line of Duty and stayed in my seat until the last ten minutes ( No spoilers here for NZ/ Aussie folks who haven't seen it yet!) You knew something was going to happen as he always finds a way to put a twist in the tale!!!!  Have got right into the Indian IPL which is coming to its conclusion tomorrow. Our boys have now returned home ready for the World Cup. Not sure how much of that we will see until we get back to New Zealand because I don't think it will be shown on free to air TV in Aussie. Might have to see it through the internet on my lap top or go to an Aussie Sports Bar........mmm I wonder which option might win!

Monday 13th . Trip to Taupo. Great trip via Rotorua and the Geo Thermal Centre featuring hot pools, green lakes, steaming lakes, craters and mud pools blopping. On then to the Huka Falls and finally a view across Lake Taupo to the volcano, Ruapehu .  The slide show lasts for 1 min 30 seconds so when you have seen the volcano it is finished.  Click on the link  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QUXGYYQIdEY Click on the back button to return to the blog.

Conference call Monday evening with the walkers in Lincolnshire. Good to catch up with their news.

Tuesday saw a change of plan with golf and switched days because of the inclement forecast for Wednesday. This was our game with David and his wife who live in Taupo. You may remember we met by chance when we first played at the mount and he and Bill were paired with us. He gave us his contact details and invited us to play on his course later in the year and here we are! 

Lovely course at Wairakei where we are playing our first eighteen holes in 10 months! Both of us were completely done for at the end. The course has been in the top one hundred in the world. Par 72...... 5,600 yds long and stunning.

David and wife , Sandy.

Lynn, Sandy and Alison

and the practice area! Zoom in if you can. Absolutely gorgeous facilities.

Thursday 16th. Back home now after three very nice days. Ate out every evening .....Tapas, Indian and Italian in Taupo and had lunch on Wednesday at the bottom of the Lake in Turangi, at a restaurant David suggested.

Fab trip. Fantastic adventure as we have not been here since 1989 . 

Look at the clouds. It did rain ! Good job we swapped our golf day!!!!! That is all for now. Blog 13 will be out in July after our Aussie adventure.

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