28 Feb

Wednesday 6th March. Heard from Eileen and Dave when they landed in Queenstown. Caught up with them and their adventure and planned their trip to us in a couple of weeks. We are going to Hobbiton on Monday 18th so there will be photos for all you LOTR followers. As for our news we have signed up for three months membership at the local gym. This is my latest attempt to improve my knee joints, fitness levels and general health. Lynn wants to just get back into a routine like she had back in Ashford and realises now that it did do her some good. We had our induction on Monday and first visit today!  I'll let you know in 3 months if there has been any progress.

We are playing golf next Tuesday at Mount Maunganui Golf Club which seems to fit the bill in what we are looking for in a golf club. Omokoroa, where we played before, is nice but just a bit too far away from where we live.  I had an unfortunate  coming together with a two foot post so the car is in the car hospital getting better. We have a courtesy car which is an old Nissan Bluebird saloon....... goodness knows how old it is so we are only using it for local visits. The car should be ready tomorrow.

All fixed thank goodness!

Tuesday 12th March. Booked to play golf today at Mount Maunganui. Oh my word what a club. It was very busy with three tee starts and four balls all the way. We had been paired with two players, male. Bill was a member so could guide us around the course and David was just an avid golfer who was a member at Taupo on not only a golf course but doubles as an animal and bird sanctuary. They were so nice and interested in us and what we have done. So when David invited us to play at his club as his guest we jumped at the chance. Looks like it could be in May. Our golf wasn't too shabby either! Janet C will be pleased as the rules regarding headgear and jangles in the clubhouse were clearly stated and adhered to!!!!!!!!!

Not a bad spot!

More gym visits and dentist appointments. The Hygienist appointment was for one hour and I have to go back next week for another hour. We have an AA health plan and we have got back 3/4 of the cost so that is pretty good.

Getting ready for the arrival of the Reeces so that will be great. Tragically Friday 15th March will become New Zealand's 9/11. As we watched the story unfold, of the execution of people at prayer, it seemed unbelievable that it could happen here. Multiple strikes at numerous sites. Schools in lock down throughout Christchurch. Chaos for half an hour until some order and sense of what had happened was able to be broadcast. Just a tragic event and eventually a lone wolf is captured. One single human being's actions, for twenty minutes, has brought about life changing consequences for thousands of people. New Zealand will never forget this and nor should they. Jacinda has been brilliant. Direct in her condemnation, pro active in her decision making and genuinely caring in her delivery to  press conferences with little or no preparation to formulate a government plan. We are very proud of her and of the New Zealand people who have turned one persons hatred into whole communities coming together to support each other at this terrible time.

On a brighter note, Eileen and Dave arrived on Sunday afternoon and parked their big bus on our Drive.

It was great to catch up with them and had a nice home made chicken casserole for supper. Monday was all about Hobbiton and we had a really good day out.

Oh look. There is a hobbit at home!

Walked about 2.5 K around the site. What a place. The scenery was completely different from anything we have seen in NZ and had been selected by the film crew who were flying over sights in NZ in a helicopter. It was perfect for Hobbit Land and now this tourist site is a well oiled machine. Buses every ten minutes from 9am until 4.00pm with approx 30 people on each bus making the trip through the working farmland to get to the film site. Six buses an hour x 7 hours carrying thirty plus people........... with evening dinner events and wedding functions...... this is a mega business!!!!!

Went out in the evening to Latitude 37 which is where we are and had tapas which was great.

Monday 19th Eileen and Dave set off for the Bay of Islands and the last leg of their NZ adventure.

It's been great having them to visit. Daily reports of their adventures received with some lovely pictures of this amazing country. Their last day tomorrow so farewell The Reeces.

21st March. Eventful day back at the Hygienist. Another hour on Lianne's couch....... however she is very good and gentle with me. We have received substantial payments with our AA health plan so that has been well worth it.

Another fantastic day weather wise although we know it will soon be coming to an end. Also great day for our PM announcing new laws to ban automatic rifles as seen in the attack and all sorts of sensible measures to cater for everyone's needs including licencing, buy back schemes, increasing penalties for those who keep these types of guns illegally etc!!!!! How refreshing to be in a country where action to prevent a repeat is taken within 6 days of the atrocity.

How tweet you Mr Trump?

March 22nd. It is one week on from the terror attacks and the whole country is standing in silence for two minutes at the time of the first bullet being fired, 1.32 pm. It was incredible the numbers of people involved in the gatherings in every town and city. 

March 26th. Played golf at Te Puke Golf course yesterday which is a twenty five minute drive. One car in the car park so course to ourselves. It had rained over night, surprisingly, the course was a bit wet. Thinking therefore it might be like that in the winter with very slow greens....... but a pretty course. Need to form another plan for regular golf.

Today Alexis and Mac, our landlords,  came as we requested help with the garden and cutting things back in the Autumn. They were amazing and filled four bags with clippings in about an hour. Pete came to mow so all looking good.

March 28th. First whole day of rain since Boxing Day! Therefore, we were forced to go out for lunch after shopping. Went to a sports bar in Fraser Cove and had two starters. We must be getting old because we had to get a doggy bag to bring home over half of the vegetable spring rolls and two chicken wings. That is supper sorted! This is the start of Autumn, we think, although our Landlords said they didn't put their summer clothes away until after Easter so we will see. We are feeling the benefits of the Gym visits and takes less time to recover after each visit. Might increase my programme tomorrow when we go in the a.m. in preparation for the Thai Green Curry I am making for Friday night's treat!

31st March. Exciting day as the UK's clocks go forward and next week ours go back. For one week therefore we are 12 hours different and from next weekend we are eleven until October when it reverses. Have spoken to Marshie on a regular basis and to Sally Murphy too. Speaking to Patsy on Tuesday as she is booked to come out here for next Christmas which will be great. Blog 12 will be after Sydney at the end of June as we are not doing much in the next two months apart from a few local trips.

Last night's sunset to say fare thee well to Blog 11. 

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